A major player in the UK tech scene for decades, IBM UK offers a wide range of services, from cloud computing and artificial intelligence to consulting and cybersecurity. They employ thousands of people across the country, helping businesses innovate and navigate the ever-changing tech landscape.


Years awarded: 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Region: UK-wide
Size: 1000+ employees
Sector: Technology

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2023 Award

Building a diverse, client-ready technical workforce

Theme: Apprenticeships

This IT service management organisation has continued to grow a successful in-house technical apprenticeship programme which provides client ready and revenue generating apprentices. The programme’s return on investment is evidenced through billable fees that cover the cost of the apprentice three times over and a retention rate of 95% of former and current apprentices. With 25% BAME apprentices compared to 6% in 2017 and 41% females compared to 33%, a more diverse workforce is also being established.

2022 Award

Recruiting, developing and retaining talent

Themes: Apprenticeships; Onboarding

Topics: Work experience, internships, graduate programmes; BAME focus

IBM UK established their Early Professionals (EP) Programme to facilitate skills development for EPs, leading to enhanced business performance. After achieving an Award in 2019, this programme has progressed, resulting in 100% success rates for Apprenticeships, savings of over £60k on recruitment costs, an Ofsted rating of Outstanding in December 2021 and the re-hiring rate for interns increasing from 35% to 93%.

2021 Award

Skilling interns to create the future workforce

Theme: Onboarding

Topics: Work experience, internships, graduate programmes; BAME focus

Against the backdrop of a well-documented skills gap in the tech industry, coupled with the changing nature of the tech skills required, this global leader relies on its intern programme. 3,500 interns have been trained since 2008 and the company has committed to extend the programme to 120 new interns annually for the next 5 years. Through this programme the business is addressing a fundamental strategic need and creating a skilled future workforce.

2020 Award

Becoming an Apprenticeship Employer Provider

Theme: Apprenticeships

This global technology company decided to become an Apprenticeship Employer Provider with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy. This move allowed IBM to further strengthen its programme and achievement rates of apprentices are exemplary and include a 100% pass rate through End Point Assessment and a 95% retention rate since 2017.

2019 Award

Creating top class employees

Theme: Onboarding

Topic: Work experience, internships, graduate programmes

This global technology business believes that continuous skills development is critical in providing a valued service to its clients. Dedicated development managers provide tailored support to Early Professionals and the ‘ladder of opportunity’ in place offers training from trainee through to graduate level and beyond creating top class client facing, professional employees from the outset.

2016 Award

Investing in young professionals

Themes: Apprenticeships; Onboarding

Topic: Work experience, internships, graduate programmes

An example of how a global technology company has established a UK Foundation programme to train new hires across student, apprentice and graduate schemes. Trainees are seen as invaluable to the business offering solutions to help IBM stay ahead of its competitors.

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