The Awards 2020

Congratulations to the 43 recipients who have achieved the Princess Royal Training Awards standard in 2020!

Despite all the challenges this year, these organisations have shown a commitment to investing in their people.

2020 Awards Gallery
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Congratulations to this year’s #PrincessRoyalTrainingAwards recipients! It’s fantastic to see the great work of so many organisations has been royally recognised! Read more about the recipients here:

Royal recognition for employers who invest in training and development in the UK and Ireland

On Thursday 21 November, 52 recipients from the UK and Ireland were recognised by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal through the Princess Royal Training Awards held at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London.  Over the past nine years, The Princess Royal Training Awards,...

52 organisations receive royal recognition for tremendous training and incredible impact in 2024

15 August 2024: City & Guilds has today announced the 52 training programmes that will be recognised by the 2024 Princess Royal Training Awards. Now in its ninth year, The Princess Royal Training Awards continue to recognise organisations who demonstrate...

Celebrating the very best training and development programmes in the UK and Ireland

Last week, 53 recipients from the UK and Ireland were warmly welcomed to St James’s Palace, in London, to receive their Princess Royal Training Award from Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal. Now in their eighth year, the Princess Royal Training Awards were set up...

Celebrating the impact of learning and development

At the heart of City & Guilds is our purpose which has skills development deep rooted in it. And through the Foundation one of our jobs is to celebrate where really great skills development is happening, and an example of how we do that is our Princess Royal Training Award programme.

53 Princess Royal Training Awards across UK and Ireland for achieving positive impact through skills development

HRH The Princess Royal, President of the City and Guilds of London Institute, has approved 53 Awards to a range of organisations across the UK and Ireland, for their outstanding training and skills development programmes, all of which have shown a significant positive...

Demonstrating the impact of outstanding training with The Princess Royal Training Awards class of 2022 It’s not often you can bring a range of employers together in a room from large multinational banks to small charities devoted to the welfare of donkeys; this is what makes the Princess Royal Training Awards so unique. Now...

Celebrating 46 UK organisations who have outstanding workplace training programmes with HRH The Princess Royal

London, Thursday 8th December: On Tuesday 6th December, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, welcomed 46 organisations to Banqueting House in London to celebrate successfully achieving a Princess Royal Training Award for their commitment to training and development....

Outstanding workplace training programmes recognised in HRH The Princess Royal’s training awards

HRH The Princess Royal, President of City & Guilds, awards employers with outstanding training and skills development programmes which have been proven to have significant positive impact on their business or their staff More apprenticeship programmes have been...

48 recipients celebrate the Princess Royal Training Awards with HRH Princess Anne

On Thursday 28th April, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, welcomed 48 recipients to Mansion House in London to celebrate them receiving Princess Royal Training Awards for their commitment to training and development in 2021.   Currently in its sixth year, The...

46 businesses across the UK recognised by HRH The Princess Royal for excellence in training and development in 2021

HRH The Princess Royal, President of City & Guilds, awards employers who have created outstanding training and skills development programmes which have resulted in measurable business impact over the last 12 months Recipients include those that have...
Hallmark Care Homes

Barlows (UK) Ltd

Keeping its young drivers safe
Construction and engineering | 250-999 employees | Malpas

This electrical contractor identified that driving was as important as its electrical or gas work and created the Young Driver Training programme to keep its young drivers safe. The robust training has been embedded into its apprenticeship programme and uses technology to track its vehicles so that poor driving behaviours can be challenged. 24% of its employees have completed the training to-date.

Hallmark Care Homes

Bouygues Energies & Services

Developing in-house talent
Construction and engineering | 1000+ employees | London

This global leader in energy, digital and industrial transformation developed the Core Management Academy as a way to develop in-house talent and overcome inconsistencies in management practices. The training, which includes the use of an innovative AI tool, has led to an increase in staff retention and 11 promotions which are directly attributable to the training.

Hallmark Care Homes

British Engineering Services Ltd

Increasing the efficiency of training
Professional services | 250-999 employees | Manchester

This engineering company developed the Engineer Surveyor Development programme to increase the quality and efficiency of training its employees whilst at the same time reducing the time and cost of the training. The programme, which includes the use of technical specialists and a modular approach, has led to a 50% reduction of time spent in training and a 23% increase in revenue from new recruits.

Hallmark Care Homes

Brother UK

Aligning individual and business needs through bespoke toolkit
Technology | 50-249 employees | Audenshaw

This supplier of technology solutions has created an Employee Engagement Toolkit to link financial reward with job specifications, annual appraisals, sales and learning and development targets through a bespoke online system. 174 out of 176 employees have completed the training and the business has a staff turnover rate 8% lower than the national average.

Hallmark Care Homes

Caring Homes Group

Chef Development Programme: Transforming understanding of special diets
Professional services | 1000+ employees | Multiple locations

This care and support provider, with a network of care facilities across the UK, launched the Chef Development Programme in 2017 in response to the need for a better understanding of diets for those suffering from dysphagia or dementia. It has succeeded in upskilling staff to transform their food preparation and presentation and there are plans to roll out the programme to all 36 homes.

Hallmark Care Homes

Chronyko Ltd

Championing flexible, challenging learning
Education and training | <50 employees | Reading

This small company, which offers immersive learning scenarios to clients using gamification, technology and puzzles, also champions informal, flexible and challenging learning for its staff. Employees are allocated half a day per week for training and links between learning and company success are apparent and include tripled turnover and increased revenue generating services by a quarter over a 3-year period.

Hallmark Care Homes

Cloud International

Upskilling managers leading to business growth
Recruitment | 50-249 employees | Multiple locations

This recruitment consultancy, which specialises in niche areas of IT, established a management development programme to upskill second-tier managers. The programme has resulted in a more unified team approach and has led to the company restructuring its reporting lines enabling the business to facilitate sustainable growth.

Hallmark Care Homes

Covance Laboratories Limited

MSc in Biopharmaceutical Development: Delivering MSc to address skills shortage
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare | 1000+ employees | Harrogate

This contract research organisation providing pharmaceutical services needed a pipeline of new talent to address an industry-wide skills shortage. It created an MSc in Biopharmaceutical Development and works in partnership with Leeds University – retaining currency of subject matter and combining this with academic credibility. Of the 12 participants trained to-date, 9 have been promoted.

Hallmark Care Homes

Covance Laboratories Limited

Women in Science (WISE) Network – Inspiring female talent
Pharmaceuticals and healthcare | 1000+ employees | Harrogate

This research organisation which provides clinical and commercialisation services to pharmaceutical industries created the foundation for a pipeline of female leadership talent. In response to female employees’ perceived and actual barriers to success, it developed the Women in Science Network. Female employees are now making up 60% of all promotions in the UK arm of the business.

Hallmark Care Homes

Dovecote Park

Increasing production efficiency through apprenticeships
Food and beverages | 250-999 employees | Pontefract

Dovecote Park is the number one provider of meat to Waitrose supermarkets. It identified that staff were not performing to capacity and that production efficiency could be increased. The business introduced a new apprenticeship programme for staff in the Boning Hall and results include an exceptional return on investment, an increase of female butchers and also staff retention has improved by 13%.

Hallmark Care Homes

Durham University

Home-growing future talent
Education and training | 1000+ employees | Durham

Durham University wanted to provide development opportunities for Operations staff as a means of creating a pool of in-house talent. It developed the Succession Planning programme which includes bespoke training and 1-1 mentor support. Of the 20 learners having undertaken the programme, six have been promoted to roles 1-3 grades higher than their former positions.

Hallmark Care Homes

Energus - nucleargraduates

Innovative approach addressing national skills gap
Education and training | 50-259 employees | Workington

Established by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Energus delivers a nuclear graduate programme developing highly skilled individuals to address skills gaps in the industry. Energus’s innovative approach, working with host organisations for placements, has led to over 380 qualified graduates, a 46% current female intake and all course completers still being employed by their host organisations.

Hallmark Care Homes


Engineers Customer Service Training Programme: Increasing customer service skills
Professional services | 50-249 employees | London

This professional services company working in the Communications and Cloud sectors devised the Engineers Customer Service programme to provide its engineers with improved customer service skills. Over 120 employees have undertaken the one-day programme and customer satisfaction has increased dramatically with the Net Promoter Score increasing from 28 to 72.

Hallmark Care Homes


Sales Academy Apprenticeship: Training managers from within
Professional services | 50-249 employees | London

This innovative company working in the Communication and Cloud sectors wanted to recruit and train new sales managers from within, rather than relying on recruiting externally. A Sales Academy Apprenticeship programme was launched in 2018 and nine high performing sales managers have been trained and are working for the business to-date.

Hallmark Care Homes

Gateway 97.8

Upskilling the unemployed and hard-to-reach
Media and publishing | <50 employees | Basildon

Community radio station and not-for-profit organisation Gateway 97.8 created an in-house media course as a means of providing the long-term unemployed and hard-to-reach individuals with transferable skills. Over 500 people have gained the accreditation with the majority of adults moving on to education or further training and many of the trainees still volunteer for the station.

Hallmark Care Homes

Gravitas Recruitment Group

Recruiting for attitude
Recruitment | 50-249 employees | London

This specialist recruitment agency focusing on the technology and insurance sectors recruits based on attitude which meant that it needed an effective introductory training programme for new recruits. It created the Consultant Development programme to develop trainees to become profitable in the shortest space of time. New employees’ time to first placements has reduced from 8 months in 2014 to 1.53 months in 2019.

Hallmark Care Homes

HMRC Counter Fraud Academy

Equipping staff to perform in challenging situations
Public sector | 1000+ employees | London

The Counter Fraud Academy delivers criminal justice training to Fiscal Crime Liaison Officers (FCLOs) whose role is to fight complex tax fraud and organised crime. The challenging 36-week programme uses role play and surveillance training and is successfully equipping individuals to manage complex and stressful situations out in the field.

Hallmark Care Homes

Civil Service Surge and Rapid Response Team (SRRT)

Ensuring employees are highly supported
Public sector | 250-999 employees | Multiple locations

The Civil Service Surge and Rapid Response Team (SRRT) was created as an innovative resource to support any government department or agency during unexpected crises. The Induction and Capability Plan was developed to improve staff retention and ensure that new recruits were adequately supported. This has led to staff attrition reducing by almost 40% and an impressive cost saving in recruitment costs.

Hallmark Care Homes

IBM UK Limited

Becoming an Apprenticeship Employer Provider
Technology | 1000+ employees | London

This global technology company decided to become an Apprenticeship Employer Provider with the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy. This move allowed IBM to further strengthen its programme and achievement rates of apprentices are exemplary and include a 100% pass rate through End Point Assessment and a 95% retention rate since 2017.

Hallmark Care Homes

Metropolitan Police Service

Refining Stop and Search training
Public sector | 1000+ employees | London

As part of their commitment to continually improve the quality of stop and search encounters, the Metropolitan Police developed an interactive video exercise for recruit officers that offered officers vital and realistic practice before having operational encounters with the public.

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Bridging the gap between traditional trainer led sessions and formal assessments, the scenarios are both diverse and London centric, encouraging important and sophisticated discussion on the use of this controversial police power in a safe learning space. The multiple learner pathways uniquely allow trainers to alter the direction of exercise to reflect the attitude and performance of the students. This training has been delivered against a backdrop of a huge increase in stop and search volumes and increasing public support for its use.
Hallmark Care Homes

Mitchells & Butlers

Delivering centralised and consistent learning
Hospitality | 1000+ employees | Birmingham

As one of the UK’s largest operators of restaurants, pubs and bars, this company invested in a new learning management system called Mable. The business has succeeded in delivering centralised, consistent learning and increased staff enthusiasm. Employee engagement with learning has increased by 41% and guest satisfaction scores have subsequently increased.

Hallmark Care Homes

MOTUS Commercials

Investing in its apprentices
Travel, transport and logistics | 1000+ employees | Derby

This large UK and European DAF dealer group is investing heavily in its apprentices and their long-term career aspirations. By providing exceptional training, personal mentoring and opportunities to learn with apprentices from other dealers and networks, Motus has achieved a 55% growth in recruits in the last three years with a 97% retention rate for apprentices.

Hallmark Care Homes

National Crime Agency

Positively impacting crime prevention
Public sector | 1000+ employees | Warrington

The National Crime Agency overhauled its Initial Operational Training programme in response to escalating threats posed by serious organised crime and the need to increase its workforce from 4500 to 8000. 99% trainees have successfully completed the programme and the subsequent impact to crime prevention operations has been significant.

Hallmark Care Homes

Netmatters Ltd

Bespoke training to fill regional skills gap
Technology | 50-249 employees | Wymondham

This web design and IT agency restructured how it trains its developers to address the issue of a regional skills shortage. Netmatters created a bespoke programme to train individuals as web developers and employ them or place them with local sponsor companies. The company has grown by 20% annually and the training has helped to meet a wider skills gap.

Hallmark Care Homes

Oakman Inns

‘A development business that runs pubs’
Hospitality | 1000+ employees | Multiple locations

This organisation comprises 28 country inns and developed Oakmanology 2020, a company-wide programme based on the changing needs of its learners. A wide variety of learning opportunities are offered to enable participants to shape their own careers, supported by training ‘ninjas’. Staff turnover has fallen by 16% and internally promoted chef numbers have increased by 34% as a result of the training strategy.

Hallmark Care Homes

Princess Yachts Limited

Positioning apprenticeships as a viable career choice
Manufacturing | 1000+ employees | Plymouth

This organisation which builds luxury yachts has invested in its apprenticeship programme to ensure that it has a strong talent pipeline in place. Apprenticeships are open to employees of any age, 10% of managers are former apprentices and getting an apprenticeship with Princess Yachts is viewed as an attractive career opportunity in the region.

Hallmark Care Homes

Red Carnation Hotel Collection

Lives and breathes learning
Hospitality | 1000+ employees | London

This collection of family-run hotels uses its Graduate Management programme to attract, train and retain exceptional graduate talent. Running for 18 years, the programme successfully provides a succession pipeline into management roles which has enabled recruitment savings of over £100,000 and staff turnover costs that are lower than industry averages.

Hallmark Care Homes

Royal Mail Group Plc

Attracting younger sales talent
Travel, transport and logistics | 1000+ employees | Bolton

Royal Mail recognised the need to upskill colleagues in its Sales Teams and develop a talent pipeline to meet the needs of the uncertain environment and a changing customer profile. It created the first Sales Professional integrated degree apprenticeship as a way of attracting younger sales talent. The inspiring programme has led other large employers, such as Amazon, to look at using similar models.

Hallmark Care Homes

Santander UK

Establishing virtual training solutions
Banking, insurance and finance | 1000+ employees | UK-wide

Santander UK established a Virtual Academy as a modern and cost-effective training solution for key roles. The Academy offers a blend of learning through coaches and a new interface providing bite-size learning and seasonal boxsets. New staff can start training from day 7 (compared to day 33 previously) and a reduction in travel has resulted in a reduction of 106.76 Tonnes of CO2e and a cost-saving of over £1.2 million in expenses.

Hallmark Care Homes

Serco Group plc

The Grow Programme – Significantly accelerating employee progression
Professional services | 1000+ employees | Solihull

Specialising in the delivery of essential public services, Serco Group challenged itself to fill 2 out of 3 leadership positions with internal candidates. The GROW programme was formed and recruitment is open to all staff. From the initial cohort in 2015, 57% of trainees have been promoted and recent figures show that just over 60% recent appointments have been filled by internal candidates.

Hallmark Care Homes

Serco UK - Citizen Services

A catalyst for further learning
Professional services | 1000+ employees | Darlington

This Business Unit of Serco UK which designs propositions and delivers solutions to the public sector used innovative Virtual Reality training to reinforce the importance of health and safety in the business. Negative incidents have reduced following the training and 95% front line operators have expressed their interest in undertaking additional training using the same technology.

Hallmark Care Homes

Sharing in Growth UK Limited

Leading organisations upskilling sector supply chain
Aviation and defence | 50-249 employees | Derby

This not-for-profit company was created by organisations in the aerospace industry to benefit the sector’s supply chain. Leading organisations work with smaller suppliers providing access to blue-chip training and embedding culture change and new, progressive ways of working. Results include 11,000 individuals undertaking the training and over 9,000 specialist roles being created in the sector.

Hallmark Care Homes

SPE (Swiftool Precision Engineering) Ltd

Impressive company-wide training programme
Construction and engineering | 50-249 employees | Huthwaite

This family-run SME engineering business created a strategic company-wide training programme to address a range of internal and external challenges. The ambitious ‘Be the Best you can Be’ programme has led to some outstanding outcomes including 25% increase in turnover, 15% employees in formal education, a reduction in attrition by 15% and 5 females in management roles, compared to none before the programme began.

Hallmark Care Homes

Springhill Hospice

Increasing confidence to deliver palliative care support
Charities and not-for-profit | 50-249 employees | North West

This North West based hospice created a unique programme to upskill its own staff along with the wider community in palliative care support. Over 800 individuals have completed the free-of charge training resulting in much greater levels of skills, knowledge and confidence when working with patients offering end-of-life support.

Hallmark Care Homes

Stainless Metalcraft

Establishing a long-term talent pipeline
Manufacturing | 50-249 employees | Cambridgeshire

This manufacturing business realised that 35% of its staff were due to retire in the next 10 years, so it reinvigorated its apprenticeship programme. Commitment to apprentices is evident with the business offering visits to other manufacturing companies and providing social activities alongside the training. Retention beyond year 2 of the programme has increased from 50-78% and the average age of the workforce has reduced by 10 years.

Hallmark Care Homes

Team Knowhow

Providing paid work-based learning opportunities
Retail | 1000+ employees | Newark

As part of Dixons Carphone plc, Team Knowhow operates the second largest electronics repair centre in Europe. Faced with a shortage of talent and lack of awareness in the community, it worked with a local College to offer paid work-based learning opportunities. 52 out of 53 learners completed the training with 49% trainees continuing to work for the business on completion.

Hallmark Care Homes

The College Merthyr Tydfil / Y Coleg Merthyr Tudful

Initiating organisation-wide culture change
Education and training | 250-999 employees | Merthyr Tydfil

This College faced significant challenges in 2013 due to changes in local education structures. It initiated an organisation-wide culture change programme which has had an outstanding impact. 125 College staff and 38 external teachers have completed the programme and the College is thriving with A-level results exceeding the national average by 7% and an increase of 29% Year 11 pupils enrolling onto a College course in 2019.

Hallmark Care Homes

The Co-op

Investing in ‘happy in role’ employees
Retail | 1000+ employees | Manchester

As one of the world’s largest consumer co-operatives, the Co-op developed a programme for employees who were content in their role, providing them with opportunities to develop. Over 9,000 employees have undertaken the Excellence Programme with 98% putting into practice what they learnt. 91% of colleagues are still working for the Co-op and as an unexpected benefit over 500 employees have gained a promotion following the training.

Hallmark Care Homes

Umbrella Training and Employment Solutions Ltd

Re-skilling staff leading to impressive business growth
Education and training | <50 employees | Chatham

This nationwide apprenticeship provider for the hospitality sector re-skilled its workforce in response to significant changes in the sector. The Umbrella Colleague Academy was created to train its staff to deliver new style apprenticeship standards. Over the past two years turnover has increased by 23%, profit by 112% and staff retention has been at an impressive 100% over the same period.

Hallmark Care Homes


Tailoring its approach to customers’ needs
Banking, insurance and finance | 50-249 employees | Hertfordshire

This vehicle leasing company created a new vehicle maintenance offer for its customers. As a business that heavily invests in learning and development, Vanarama knew that training its employees about this product would achieve a more successful outcome. By tailoring its sales approach to customers’ actual needs, take up of the product was at 28% by the end of March.

Hallmark Care Homes

Willis Towers Watson

Increasing opportunities for under-represented talent
Professional services | 1000+ employees | Multiple locations

This global risk management and insurance brokerage introduced a Level 4 Insurance Professional apprenticeship programme to recruit and develop its entry-level advisers. The business has tailored the standard programme to include bespoke competency profiles and the training forms part of the wider organisational strategy to increase the pipeline for under-represented talent.

Hallmark Care Homes


Embedding compliance across the business
Travel, transport and logistics | 250-999 employees | Leeds

This vehicle leasing and fleet management business introduced Compliance Zigzags training to meet the challenge of ensuring that customer data is protected and managed correctly. The training of 550 employees has led to an embedded culture of compliance with all teams systematically adapting processes to ensure the ongoing security of data.

Hallmark Care Homes

ZSL London Zoo

Developing a strong learning culture
Charities and not-for-profit | 250-999 employees | London

This international conservation charity identified the need to upskill its managers and embed a stronger learning culture across its multiple sites. A bespoke ILM management programme for all levels was developed and in-house delivery resulted in an innovative, cost-effective solution. Outcomes included increased collaboration between departments and 100% participants rating the programme as having a positive impact back in their roles.

How to apply

Interested in applying? Find out more about entering your organisation in this year’s Princess Royal Training Awards

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