Application Support Resource

Welcome to the online application support resource. We have created this page to provide as much information, help and support as possible as you work your way through the application form.

However if you have a question that’s not covered, we are only a call, email or web chat away so please get in touch!

Beginning your application

Submitting evidence

Frequently Asked Questions


The application process

Princess Royal Training Awards Application Process

Beginning your application

Registering your interest

Register your interest to receive a link to the application platform. This link will be emailed to you when you register if applications are open, or on the day that applications open if you registered when applications were closed.

Applications open until 31 March 2025








How to use the online application form

New for 2025: Application platform

This year, we are using an application platform. In order to start an application, you’ll need to register for an account and validate your email address. You will then be able to return to the application platform at any time to work on your application or to check on the status of your application.

Benefits of the new application platform include:

  • Ability to save progress automatically – no more remembering to ‘save and continue’ on each page
  • Collaborating is easy – invite colleagues via the platform and choose read-only or edit access
  • Pick up where you left off – simply log back into the application platform. No more unique links to find.
  • Access your submitted application at any time – you can download a PDF or even access a previous year’s application in the future

Applying for multiple programmes

If you have more than one programme you’d like to apply for, you can easily start another application via the application platform.

Submitting a draft

We offer applicants the opportunity to receive some initial feedback on their draft application from the Assessor Team.

Due to the popularity of this support option, this year we are offering two windows for you to put in a draft version of your application. These are by:

  • Friday 31 January
  • Friday 28 February

Applicants may only receive feedback once and we ask that you complete the ‘About you and your organisation’ section along with Hallmarks 1, 2 & 3 before sharing your draft via the online application form.

Recognition renewal for past Awards

The process for renewing recognition is the same as a normal application. For more information, see the Recognition renewal for previous recipients page.

About you, your organisation and your training programme

About you

Most people who complete the application form are filling it in on behalf of themselves. However, occasionally someone fills in the form either on behalf of someone else in their organisation, or (if they work for a training provider) on behalf of a client. Please let us know who you are filling in the application form on behalf of so that we can make sure we are contacting the correct person through the application process.

Please note we will use the information you supply to contact you about your application, and if your application is successful we will invite you (or your designated contact) to Alumni events throughout the year. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Please see our privacy policy for more information.

About your organisation

Please provide information about your organisation. You have 200 words to describe your business, its purpose and its vision. This provides us with some great context before we ask you about your training, learning and development programme in further detail.

About your training programme

Please provide information about your training programme. The type of things we ask you for are:

  • Check your eligibility to see if you are eligible to apply for an Award
  • Title of your training / learning and development programme
  • Location of the training
  • Number of people who have undertaken the training
  • Function / department where the training took place
  • Who delivered the training
  • Timescales of the programme
  • If the application is new or a renewal

The Hallmarks


Hallmark 1: Why?


Hallmark 2: How?


Hallmark 3: What?

The Awards are evidence-based and applications are assessed against a standard of excellence, which we call Hallmarks. This means that organisations don’t compete against each other; instead they need to show that through their exceptional training and development programmes they are meeting a standard of excellence.

The main section of the online application is divided into 3 Hallmarks which cover the Why, How and What. Each Hallmark contains two questions along with the criteria and number of marks available for that question.

It’s important to read through the criteria carefully and ensure that your response addresses each of the points. If you are unsure if something is relevant to include, or you’re not sure how much to focus on a particular point, please contact us as we’re happy to talk it through with you.

Hallmark 1: Why?

Question 1: Why did you choose training, learning and development to address a challenge or opportunity?

15 marks

  1. What was the challenge or opportunity you were seeking to address? (5 marks)
  2. Why did you choose to address it through staff development? (5 marks)
  3. What were the specific aims and objectives and what would success look like? (5 marks)

Don’t forget to tell us what the challenge or opportunity was that you needed to address through the training.

 Question 2: Tell us about your organisation’s commitment to staff development.

5 marks

  1. How do you identify staff development needs in your organisation? Please give key examples of the types of training you provide. (5 marks)

This question is asking about your organisation’s overall commitment to staff development, not just the programme you are describing in the rest of the application.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 350 words.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 150 words.

Supporting evidence for Hallmark 1

Examples of supporting evidence for this Hallmark could include some of the following:

  • Concise extracts from business plans
  • Training/learning and development strategy papers
  • Performance figures showing: turnover, sales, service levels, engagement surveys; statistics which show a business justification for the training
  • Summary data showing numbers of trainees, qualifications completed, outcomes achieved
  • Examples of how specific learning styles and needs have been addressed allowing the training to be as inclusive as possible
  • Assessment or inspections by external bodies
  • Relevant accreditations
  • Abbreviated examples of individual training/learning plans

Please note all information provided to support the application is kept confidential.

For more general information about preparing evidence files for upload, please see the Submitting evidence section below.

Hallmark 2: How?


Question 1: How was the programme designed and delivered?

20 marks

  1. How did you design the training, learning & development programme and/or choose the provider? (5 marks)
  2. What delivery methods did you choose and why? How did you assess the change in knowledge/skills/behaviours? (5 marks)
  3. Explain anything distinctive, creative or innovative about the programme and the technology or resources used to design and deliver it in your context (5 marks)
  4. How did you ensure that you could respond to the different needs of participants to make your programme more inclusive? (5 marks)

Top tip: give an overview and examples of programme content in the evidence upload.

Question 2: How did you evaluate the training, learning and development?

10 marks

  1. How did you evaluate the design and delivery of the programme and what improvements or changes did you make, if any, as a result of evaluation? (5 marks)
  2. What were the financial and/or other inputs resources such as time or external funding to design and deliver the programme? (5 marks)

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 350 words.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 250 words.

Supporting evidence for Hallmark 2

Examples of supporting evidence for this Hallmark could include some of the following:

  • An overview of the programme and examples of programme content
  • Numbers trained overall including year on year if appropriate
  • Examples of material adapted or designed for specific audiences
  • Examples of particularly innovative activities that have enhanced the learning such as role plays, blended learning, gamification etc.
  • Illustration or graphic of the programme overview
  • Extracts explaining the rationale for the learning methodology chosen in order to meet the organisational need
  • Financial information to show how resources have been used efficiently and effectively (cost of materials, training staff, any funding received etc)
  • Learning success rates, evaluation processes and outcomes and details of any measures for improvement.

Please note all information provided to support the application is kept confidential.

For more general information about preparing evidence files for upload, please see the Submitting evidence section below.

Hallmark 3: What?


Question 1: What impact did the programme have on the success of your organisation?

20 marks

  1. How successful was the programme in achieving its aims and objectives and what measurable impact has it made? (10 marks)
  2. How did you measure the Return on Investment or Return on Expectation in relation to the time and financial resources spent on the programme? (10 marks)

Make sure you link the outcomes in Hallmark 3 with the aims and objectives set out in Hallmark 1.

Some organisations can show a financial return on investment (ROI) in relation to the training, learning or development and others may instead measure return on expectations (ROE). Make sure to include either of these in your application and share your workings in the evidence file. You need to show the impact of the training on individuals and the organisation.

Question 2: What impact did the programme have on the success of your people?

20 marks

  1. What is the ongoing impact on your people and their performance in the organisation? (10 marks)
  2. What evidence is there to show the impact of the training, learning & development on the knowledge, skills and behaviours of individual participants? (10 marks)

Learner’s voice: A great way to bring your application to life is by including quotes, testimonials and case studies/real examples from trainees on how they are putting learning into practice in your supporting evidence.

Make sure you include relevant metrics which set out tangible benefits such as staff progression, promotion and retention.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 350 words.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 350 words.

Supporting evidence for Hallmark 3

Examples of supporting evidence for this Hallmark could include some of the following:

  • Data showing improved organisational performance which can be linked directly back to the learning initiative, such as sales and profitability, employee attraction/retention, improved productivity or services, reduced complaints
  • Survey data showing for example increased customer satisfaction
  • Data showing improved employee engagement and performance linked to the training programme
  • Case studies from managers to illustrate improved performance
  • Appraisals/performance management data which records levels of performance
  • Evidence illustrating how training has met individual needs, what has been learnt and how it has been applied
  • Snapshots/summaries of evaluation feedback forms.

Please note all information provided to support the application is kept confidential.

For more general information about preparing evidence files for upload, please see the Submitting evidence section below.

Sharing Best Practice (optional)

What aspects of your programme could other organisations learn from or replicate?

  1. Is there anything you wish to highlight about your programme that:
    – addresses issues of environmental sustainability
    – addresses issues of diversity, equity and inclusion
    – is particularly innovative in the context of your organisation?
  2. What other aspects of your programme could other organisations learn from or replicate?

Assessors want to know how other organisations could benefit from the approach taken to the design, development, and implementation of your programme.

Don’t forget to include any additional or unexpected benefits you identified as a result of the programme.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 200 words.


Why are you supporting this initiative and how does it fit into the strategic vision of your organisation?

Applicants are asked to provide a statement from senior management supporting the application and confirming the benefits of the initiative to the success of the organisation.

Please note: you can send this section to your senior manager to complete or they can send you a statement for you to put into the form.

For this question, you are allowed a maximum of 100 words.

Submitting evidence

You can upload one document up to 9 pages, 6MB in size and 1500 words to support your application

We know that the word count for answering the questions in the application form is challenging. That’s why you have the option of including additional supporting evidence to support each of the three Hallmarks and we strongly recommend you do so.

Within each of the Hallmark sections in this Application Support Resource we have provided examples of documents that you may want to provide as supporting evidence if they support and add further clarity to your responses.

Please cut and paste only the relevant snippets or sections of documents. We recommend that you copy and paste all of your supporting evidence per Hallmark into one document i.e. Word, PowerPoint or PDF and clearly label each section. It would be even better if you can reference in your response where the supporting evidence further supports a point made.

For specific advice about what to upload for each hallmark see Hallmark 1, Hallmark 2 and Hallmark 3 evidence.

  • Refer to the Application Support Resource as you complete your application as it contains important information about the criteria and examples of supporting evidence.
  • Provide supporting organisational metrics such as charts, graphs and histograms.
  • Include statistics, quantifiable and comparative data.
  • Use only the relevant sections of a document that best support your point rather than full versions of documents.
  • You can upload a single document up to 9 pages, 5MB and 1500 words to support your application.
  • Don’t include external links or videos in your application. Whilst you can reference a video or include a screenshot in your evidence so that this can be discussed in further detail should your application progress to the next stage of the process, Assessors can’t click on external links included in your application.

Make reference to everything that you want to include. If something isn’t mentioned in your application, Assessors cannot take it into account during the next stage of the application process should you proceed to this stage.

Please note: All information is treated as strictly confidential and will not be shared outside the Assessment Team. Please see our Confidentiality Policy for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

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