Hallmark Care Homes

Hallmark Luxury Care Homes is a family-owned business that provides care homes in England and Wales. Their mission is to improve the quality of life for older people by providing a friendly and supportive environment where residents can thrive.


Years awarded: 2023, 2024
Region: South East
Size: 1000+ employees
Sector: Pharmaceuticals and healthcare

Hallmark Care Homes website 🡕
2023 Award

Investing in and promoting talent

Theme: CultureLeadership and ManagementTalent pipeline / Career pathways

Topics: Bespoke trainingCoaching and mentoringIn-house

This family-run suite of care homes created the Talent Development Programme in response to filling only 20% of its roles internally. The training includes quarterly succession planning to identify current and future talent, along with coaching as a tool to provide the right intervention for the right people at the right time. Outcomes include reduced staff turnover from 48% to 22%, and 15 people being promoted to leadership roles. There has also been a substantial reduction in recruitment costs.

2023 Award

Empowering staff and enhancing retention

Theme: CultureLeadership and Management

Topics: In-house

With the aim of maintaining staff morale and increasing staff retention following Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic, this family-run provider of residential care introduced the Leading in an Empower Organisation programme. The General Managers within six care homes completed the programme, resulting in improved staff retention, savings in agency recruitment fees of over £76,000, and a reduced need to recruit overseas workers. Greater staff empowerment, enhanced morale and communication have benefited the staff and the residents.

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